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Creative Class

Pre-School Program: 2-3 year olds and Toddlers 18 months-24 months

The Preschool is for our two/three year olds. Junior Pre-Schoolers are busy, inquisitive,  and happy to be on the move. Our Pre-school room has been designed specifically to  promote learning experiences through play. The Creative curriculum for preschool, ages  2 & 3, is a thematic approach and was developed by the experienced staff at LCCDC.  The Creative curriculum, approved by the MSDE. is presented in short intervals on the  carpet and at tables to keep the children moving through engaging learning  experiences. Circle Time with stories, songs and poetry will promote verbal skills and  language acquisition. Spanish Language, math, social studies and science are part of  the daily routine. Specials including art, music, exercise and Spanish are taught weekly  by primary and specialized teachers. Respect, kindness and sharing are important  principles that are modeled. Teacher-led games and free play help develop gross motor  skills. The children ride tricycles, scooters, and skates daily to add to gross motor  refinement. When each child is ready, our teachers will help with potty training by  offering positive reinforcement and plenty of encouragement

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